Antioxidant Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Measuring the Amount of Antioxidant Activity in Various Berries

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1726 words
9 pages

Understanding the Antioxidant

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1830 words
3 pages

An Outline of Foods Rich in Antioxidants

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532 words
2 pages

The amount of antioxidants

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347 words
1 pages

The Antioxidant Impact of the Consumption of Mangosteen Supplement on the Chemistry of a Participant's Blood

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632 words
3 pages

Investigatory Project (Natural Mosquito Repellent)

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751 words
2 pages

The Role of Antioxidants in Preventing the Destruction of Cells and the Risks of Health Diseases

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1257 words
6 pages

An Experiment to Determine the Present Fatty Acids in Olive Oil and a Comparative Evaluation of the Antioxidant Levels in Three Different Olive Oil Brands

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1627 words
6 pages

Antioxidants Reduce the Risk Posed by Cholesterol

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682 words
1 pages

An Introduction to the Analysis of Antioxidants

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1559 words
18 pages

A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review

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8654 words
31 pages

Effect of Green and Black Teas

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1205 words
4 pages

Coffee Benefits

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984 words
3 pages

Dark Chocolate

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5026 words
18 pages

Screening of Chemical Composition of Essential Oil

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1884 words
6 pages

The growth of Clostridium botulinum

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1057 words
3 pages

Green Ox

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741 words
2 pages

Dark Chocolate

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1471 words
5 pages

Dieting Makes People Fat Essay

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18745 words
68 pages

Coffee Benefits

0 0
574 words
2 pages

What is an Antioxidant? An antioxidant is a molecule capable of preventing and reducing the damage caused by oxidation in the cells Oxidative damage is caused by the presence of free radicals which are unstable molecules that can damage cells, potentially leading to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Antioxidants help to protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals by neutralizing them. As a natural part of the aging process and increased levels of toxins in the environment, the body experiences greater amounts of oxidative damage. Consuming antioxidants is one way to combat this damage. Antioxidants are found in many foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, and they work to “mop up” free radicals in the body which are created during the metabolism of food. Antioxidants play an important role in the maintenance of good health as they help to protect us from the dangerous effects of oxidative damage. In addition to the food sources mentioned below, there are a number of dietary supplements available which are designed to provide additional protection against free radical damage. Five Best Examples of Antioxidant-rich Foods 1. Berries: Berries are a great source of antioxidants, particularly those that are dark colored such as blueberries, blackberries and cranberries. These are high in flavonoids and proanthocyanidins which are two of the most powerful antioxidant compounds. 2. Green Tea: Green tea is rich in a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is a powerful antioxidant. Regular consumption of green tea has been linked to reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. 3. Tea: All types of tea, including green and black tea, are rich in antioxidants. The most powerful antioxidant in tea is EGCG which is present in higher concentrations in green tea. 4. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains a variety of plant compounds known as flavanols which are powerful antioxidants. Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is best for maximizing the antioxidant content. 5. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants as they are rich in a variety of compounds, including flavonoids and vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant. Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds are all excellent sources of antioxidants.