argument Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Zombie Argument

0 0
1608 words
5 pages

Directions for developing the Rogerian argument

0 0
1906 words
6 pages

Explanation of the Objectoins to the Ontological Argument by Kant and Gaunilo

0 0
475 words
1 pages

The weaknesses of the Ontological argument give support to Atheism. Discuss this statement

0 0
784 words
2 pages

Evaluating an Argument

0 0
1370 words
4 pages

Epistemological issues with ethnographic argumentation

0 0
361 words
1 pages

Assess the Ontological Argument

0 0
754 words
2 pages

Weak Arguments Against Strong Encryption

0 0
657 words
2 pages

Casual Arguments

0 0
411 words
1 pages

Analyzing Argumentation: A Comparative Essay

0 0
1875 words
6 pages

Analysis and evaluation of argument

0 0
1047 words
3 pages

Logical, Ethical, and Emotional Argumentation

0 0
992 words
3 pages

Techniques of Argumentation in Stuart Greene's Essay, Arguement as Conversation

0 0
579 words
2 pages

Community Service Argument

0 0
583 words
2 pages

Writing Persuasive or Argumentative Essays

0 0
438 words
2 pages

Anselms Ontological Argument

0 0
810 words
2 pages

The Classic Universalist Argument: Russell versus Quine

0 0
920 words
3 pages

Aspects of an Argumentative Essay

0 0
868 words
3 pages

Weak Arguments Against Strong Encryption

0 0
729 words
2 pages

Explain Anselms Ontological Argument

0 0
302 words
1 pages

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that makes an argument about a certain topic, often discussing the pros and cons of the argument at hand The aim of an argumentative essay is to use evidence and facts to prove a point or opinion, thus convincing the reader of the author’s position. Argumentative essays require extensive research and careful consideration of multiple perspectives and arguments. This type of essay is often assigned in high school and college-level English classes and is a great way to hone critical thinking and writing skills. The following five topics are examples of interesting and engaging argumentative essay topics: 1. Should College Athletes Be Paid?: This is a popular topic that often stirs debate, and can make for an interesting argumentative essay. Benefits and drawbacks of allowing college athletes to receive monetary compensation should be thoroughly examined. 2. Are Video Games Too Violent?: The impact of violent video games on modern youth is an important issue that should be explored. Different views on the extent of the influence should be discussed. 3. Does Social Media Have a Positive or Negative Effect?: Social media usage has become increasingly widespread, and its impact on society should be evaluated. This essay should take a stance on whether the effects of social media are positive or negative and explain the reasoning behind the stance. 4. Is Animal Testing Necessary?: Animal testing is a practice that has been used for a variety of research purposes, and there are strong views on both sides of the argument. This essay should investigate the necessity and consequences of animal testing. 5. Should Vaccines Be Mandatory?: Vaccinations have become a highly debated topic, and this essay should examine both sides of the argument. The potential risks and benefits of mandating vaccines should be discussed. These five topics are only a few of the myriad of interesting argumentative essay topics that can be explored. Choosing a topic to write about should be done with care, as the essay should be well-researched and thoughtfully considered. By exploring multiple perspectives on the chosen subject, a balanced and persuasive essay can be created.