Ernest everett Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Dr. Ernest Everett Just

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565 words
2 pages

Ernest Everett Just's Biography and His Contribution to Physiology

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429 words
1 pages

A Biography of Dr. Ernest Everett Just a Genius Biologist

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223 words
1 pages

Small Business Enterprise

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2637 words
9 pages

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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3371 words
12 pages

Ernest Everett Just was an American biologist, educator, and civil rights activist who had a profound impact on the advancement of scientific and civil rights during the early 20th century He is best known for his pioneering research in marine biology and for his groundbreaking work on the developmental physiology of sea urchins. He was also an important voice in the civil rights movement, advocating for desegregation and the rights of African Americans. Just's life and work serve as powerful evidence of the value of education, overcoming injustice, and the importance of being an advocate for social change. Below are five interesting topics related to Ernest Everett Just and his work. 1. Ernest Everett Just’s Educational Journey: A study of the educational system that enabled Ernest Everett Just to become one of the most influential biologists of his time. Topics to explore include how Jefferson High School in Washington, D.C., the University of Chicago, and Howard University shaped his academic pursuits, as well as how he overcame systemic racism and sexism to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1916. 2. Just’s Biological Studies: An exploration of Ernest Everett Just’s groundbreaking research into sea urchin development and his other works in marine biology. Topics to be discussed include his methods, findings, and the applications of his research to current biology. 3. Ernest Everett Just’s Civil Rights Advocacy: An examination of Ernest Everett Just’s activism for desegregation, the rights of African Americans, and the advancement of higher education for people of color. Topics to cover include his personal experiences with racism and segregation, his roles in groups such as the National Urban League and the N.A.A.C.P., and his writings and speeches on the subject. 4. Ernest Everett Just’s Legacy: An examination of Ernest Everett Just’s lasting impact on both science and civil rights. Topics to consider include his legacy in the sciences, his achievements as a civil rights activist, and his influence on later generations. 5. Ernest Everett Just’s Life: A deeper look into Ernest Everett Just’s life and character, including his upbringing in South Carolina, his education and military service, and his academic and professional career. Topics to be discussed include his family, friends, mentors, and his personal and professional philosophy.