Pure mathematics Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

A Description of Archimedes's Works and Contributions to Science and Mathematics

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369 words
2 pages

The Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Proofs: Direct Proof, Proof by Contradiction, and Contrapositive Proof

0 0
1652 words
9 pages

The Life and Mathematical Achievements of Archimedes

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652 words
2 pages

Mathematics Requires as Much Creativity as the Arts

0 0
1091 words
3 pages

A Look at Popular Women in the Field of Mathematics

0 0
436 words
2 pages

Rene Descartes: The Father of Modern Mathematics and Rationalism

0 0
1601 words
2 pages

The Importance of Mathematics in Everyday Life

0 0
820 words
3 pages

The Notion of Infinity in Mathematical Language

0 0
891 words
4 pages

The Process of Evaluating and Solving Quadratic Inequalities in Mathematics

0 0
508 words
2 pages

The Life of Emmy Noether and Her Work in the Field of Mathematics

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1092 words
2 pages

An Analysis of the Importance of Mathematics to Most Aspects of Modern Life

0 0
956 words
2 pages

An Introduction to the History of Mathematics

1 0
956 words
2 pages

Giuseppe Peano's Contribution to Mathematics Still in Use Today

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1801 words
3 pages

A Biography of Giuseppe Peano a Doctor of Mathematics

0 0
1804 words
3 pages

A Mathematical Calculation of the Pence Call

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2128 words
15 pages

The Life and Works of Pythagoras

0 0
5459 words
18 pages

Mathematics & Natural Sciences with absolute certainty (TOK)

0 0
1317 words
4 pages

Mathematics Autobiography

0 0
657 words
2 pages

An Overview of Mathematics and Applied Mathematicians

0 0
1202 words
2 pages

The Life and Times of Pure Mathematician Pythagoras of Samos

0 0
2146 words
5 pages

Pure mathematics is a branch of mathematics which focuses on the theoretical aspects of mathematics and the manipulation of abstract objects without any direct application to the physical world It strives for logical rigor, generality and abstraction and is heavily dependent on deductive reasoning. Pure mathematics is often divided into two main subdivisions: algebra and analysis. Algebra is the branch of pure mathematics focused on the properties of numerical operations and their structures as well as the representation, analysis, and manipulation of systems of equations. Analysis is the branch of pure mathematics concerned with the study of the behavior of functions and their limits, convergence and series. The five best examples of topics from pure mathematics are algebraic topology, linear algebra, calculus, Fourier analysis, and Boolean algebra. Algebraic topology is the branch of mathematics which studies the properties of the underlying structure of objects and can be used to study physical systems and the manipulation of abstract objects. Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics which is focused on the methods and techniques used to solve systems of linear equations as well as the properties and applications of matrices and vectors. Calculus is the branch of pure mathematics which is focused on the study of the behavior of continuous functions and the computation of areas and volumes under curves. Fourier analysis is the branch of mathematics which deals with the representation of a function in terms of the sums of its components of waves of different amplitudes and frequencies. Boolean algebra is the branch of mathematics which deals with the algebraic manipulation of logic operations and logical statements.