What is Congress?
Congress is the legislative branch of the United States federal government Composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, Congress makes the laws that determine how the government works and how citizens’ rights and responsibilities are defined. Congress is made up of elected representatives, who are sent to Washington, D.C. to represent their constituents at the federal level.
Congress is responsible for creating and passing bills into law, raising and collecting taxes, deciding how money is spent on federal programs, regulating interstate and foreign commerce, declaring war, and more. The bicameral legislative branch, with its two houses, provides a system of checks and balances between the other branches of government, including the executive branch and the judicial branch. Congress also has the power to impeach the president of the United States.
When members of Congress discuss and vote on various pieces of legislation, it is called a “debate”. Debates are used to determine how a bill should be amended or whether it should be passed into law. Members of Congress also use debates to determine whether or not to override a presidential veto.
When discussing Congress and its role in our government, it is important to consider the impact it has on our society. By representing the interests of their constituents, Congress members can influence how our government functions and how citizens will be affected by laws passed.
Five Interesting Essay Topics Regarding Congress
1. Analyze the role of Congress in setting US foreign policy.
2. Compare and contrast the checks and balances of the legislative and executive branches of the United States government.
3. Discuss the impact of lobbying on the legislative process in Congress.
4. Analyze the effectiveness and limitations of Congress in addressing socioeconomic issues.
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the bicameral congressional system.