Consequentialism Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Critics of consequentialism

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2599 words
9 pages

The Responses of Peter Railton and John Stuart Mill to the Criticism of Act Consequentialism for Being Cold and Unfeeling

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1001 words
4 pages

Narrative Theories: Consequential and Non-Consequential Principles

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464 words
1 pages

A Comparison of the Differences Between Consequentialism and Contractarianism

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356 words
2 pages

An Analysis of Consequentialism and Deontology in Personal Views

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950 words
3 pages

A Thought Experiment on Consequentialism

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762 words
4 pages

Utilitarianism and Consequentialism as the Most Applicable Approaches to Ethics

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964 words
4 pages

Consequentialism: Morality and Charitable Donations

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1498 words
5 pages

The Bad Social Consequences in the Idea of the Principles of utility or Consequentialism

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665 words
2 pages

Everyone's Happiness as the Core Belief of Consequentialism

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426 words
2 pages

The Concept of Consequentialism

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624 words
2 pages

Effects of Technological Development Can Lead to an Infinite Number of Consequential Developments

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1024 words
2 pages

The Formulation of the Consequential Theory of Utilitarianism

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1070 words
2 pages

An Analysis of the Demise ad Consequential Break-up of Soviet Union in 1990's

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1408 words
2 pages

An Analysis of the Philosophical Underpinnings of Consequentialism in Relation to Ethical and Moral Conclusions

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894 words
1 pages

An Analysis of the Ethics and Moral Theories of Egoism, Divine Command, Relativism, Natural Law, Consequentialism, Kantianism and Virtue Ethics

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1405 words
4 pages

The Nature and Aims of Consequentialism

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300 words
1 pages

Doctrine of Double Effect: Consequentialism

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2777 words
10 pages

To What Extent Is Morality Determined by Intent?

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2145 words
7 pages

Act Utilitarianism

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901 words
3 pages

Consequentialism is a type of ethical theory which focuses on the consequences of an action It appraises the morality of an action by looking at the outcome or effect it produces. In other words, the action is judged to be ethical or unethical based on the outcome of the action. This allows the moral action to be determined without looking at the intention behind it; therefore, those who follow the theory of consequentialism are judged not on the intentions behind the action, but rather on the outcome of the action. Consequentialism is often compared to utilitarianism which seeks to maximize the greatest good for the most people. However, consequentialism does not focus on the number of people affected – it just looks to the outcome of the action itself. This means that consequentialists are held accountable for their actions, regardless of the number of people it affects. With this in mind, here are five of the best examples of consequentialism essay topics. 1. The Ethics of Killing in War: An Analysis of Consequentialism in War. This essay would involve looking at the merits of consequentialism in war-time decisions. It would analyze the reasons why it is considered to be more ethical to kill in war than to let another person die. 2. The Value of Human Life: Applying Consequentialism in Human Rights Cases. This essay would look at the idea of applying consequentialism to human rights cases and assess whether or not it is an appropriate way to determine their moral value. 3. The Impact of Corporate Decisions: Evaluating Consequentialism in Business Ethics. This essay would look at how the decisions that businesses make can have far-reaching consequences. It would analyze how consequentialism is used to evaluate these decisions and how it shapes business ethics and practices. 4. The Morality of Animal Testing: Examining Consequentialism in Animal Rights Activism. This essay would look at how consequentialism is applied to animal rights issues and how it is used to evaluate the morality of animal testing. 5. The Consequences of Climate Change: An Analysis of Consequentialism in Environmental Policy. This essay would analyze the idea of using consequentialism to evaluate environmental policies, specifically in the context of climate change. It would look at the potential consequences of these policies, both immediate and long-term, and assess their moral value. Each of these essay topics provide an opportunity to explore the concept of consequentialism, evaluate its merits, and analyze its implications for a variety of ethical issues. By delving into these topics, students will gain a better understanding of this ethical theory, as well as its impact on policy decisions.