Crito letter Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Crito and A letter from Brimingham

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1519 words
5 pages

Letter from Birmingham Jail

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810 words
2 pages

Comparison between the Articles of Crito by Plato and Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.

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An Analysis of Whether it is Moral or Not to Disobey Laws in the Articles of Crito, by Plato, and Letter From Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King, Jr

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1790 words
2 pages

An Analysis of the Questionable Laws and People in Crito by Plato

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1794 words
2 pages

Socrates on Justice, Law and the Obligation to obey the State

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1496 words
5 pages

Philosophy Metaphysics

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4 pages

Political philosophy

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5 pages

A Debate About Whether or Not Civil Disobedience Is Justified and Under What Circumstances

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1489 words
2 pages

Political Philosophy and Plato

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19 pages

Plato’s and Cicero’s life and Political Ideas

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2696 words
9 pages

Crito is a dialogue written by Plato, one of the greatest philosophers of all time In this dialogue, Socrates is in prison, awaiting his execution. Crito, one of Socrates’ close friends, visits him to urge him to escape from prison. Crito argues that escaping from prison is moral and just, and it is therefore the right course of action for Socrates to take. Socrates, however, disagrees and stands firm in his belief that it is better to accept death than to escape against the law. Crito is often studied in philosophy classes, as it is one of the earliest dialogues to discuss the concept of justice. It is also considered to be a great source for a number of interesting essay topics. Here are five examples of Crito letter topics that could make interesting essays: 1. Is Justice More Important than Convenience? One could make an argument that Crito argues that convenience is more important than justice. Crito believes that Socrates should escape from prison, even though it violates the law. Therefore, is convenience more important than justice? This could be an interesting essay topic, as it could explore the ethics of convenience versus justice. 2. Does Duty or Personal Interest Guide Morality? In the Crito dialogue, Socrates argues that duty to the law and personal interests should not guide morality. However, Crito believes that duty to the law and personal interests should guide morality. Is either argument correct? This could be an interesting essay topic, as it could explore whether duty to the law and personal interests should guide morality. 3. Is Ignoring the Law Ever Justified? In the Crito dialogue, Crito argues that it is okay to ignore the law if it is deemed unjust.However, Socrates disagrees and argues that the law should never be ignored. This could be an interesting essay topic, as it could explore the concept of when it is and is not justifiable to ignore the law. 4. Is it Necessary to Follow the Rule of Men? Crito believes that it is necessary to follow the rule of men.On the other hand, Socrates argues that it is necessary to follow the rule of the gods. Is either argument correct? This could be an interesting essay topic, as it could explore the concept of following the rule of men versus gods. 5. Is it Possible to be a Good Citizen and Disobey the Law? This could be an interesting essay topic, as it could explore the idea of what it means to be a good citizen and if it is possible to disobey the law and still be a good citizen. It could delve into the ideas of what constitutes a good citizen and whether disobeying the law is ever justified.