Error on your website Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Websites and Intranet

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Making a Website Accessible for Visually Handicapped or Blind Persons

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Website Development

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Website Usability Analysis of

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Website Migration Project

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Payment security

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Academic Papers

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Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

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Credit Protection Identity Theft

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Practical advice for business

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Google Adwords

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Benefits of using my IT system in the Travel Agents

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Factors to consider when designing a web site

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Online reservation of Eden spring resort

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Black People and Prejudice

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Black People and Prejudice

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Research: Video Games

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Marketing Strategy for Samsung

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Audience Analysis and Reception

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Credit Protection and Identity Theft

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What is an Error? An error is a mistake, a misunderstanding or a misconception Errors can occur in many places and have a variety of consequences. Errors can happen in communication, on websites, in court proceedings, in research, in theory and in practice. Errors can have serious consequences, ranging from financial loss to physical injury or death. Errors can also be minor and have little or no consequence. Errors are caused by a variety of factors, such as lack of knowledge, miscommunication, unintentional mistakes, incorrect assumptions and misjudgment. Errors can also be caused by systemic problems such as poor training, inadequate or outdated systems, bad design, or poor management decisions. It is important to recognize errors when they occur and to take proactive steps to identify and avoid them in the future. Examples of Errors 1. A medical error is when a health care professional makes a mistake in diagnosis, treatment or providing of medical care, which could result in harm to a patient. Examples of medical errors include incorrect medication dosage, surgical errors, misdiagnosis, failure to follow treatment protocols, delayed treatment or failure to order necessary tests. 2. A computer error is when a computer system fails to work as intended due to a software or hardware malfunction. Examples of computer errors include system crashes, incorrect data input, power outages and virus attacks. 3. An accounting error is when an accountant miscalculates, overlooks or misrepresents financial data. Examples of accounting errors include incorrect entries on a financial statement, incorrect calculations, misclassification of expenses or income, inaccurate bookkeeping, and wrong entries in accounts. 4. A clerical error is when a person responsible for a clerical task makes a mistake or oversight. Examples of clerical errors include incorrect data entry, misfiling of information, and failure to deliver a letter or document on time. 5. An engineering error is when an engineer fails to use the proper methods, tools or materials when constructing a structure, leading to a design or construction defect. Examples of engineering errors include incorrect calculations, incorrect assumptions, faulty execution of a plan, and use of inappropriate materials.