F Scott Fitzgerald was a renowned 20th century American author, widely known for his novels The Great Gatsby, Tender Is the Night and The Beautiful and the Damned. His works are generally seen as an exploration of the modern human condition, particularly the themes of decadence, regret, disillusionment and privilege. Fitzgerald’s writings are often associated with ‘the Jazz Age’—the 1920s—a time of great economic, political and cultural transformation in the United States.
The most iconic themes of Fitzgerald’s works are those of wealth, ambition and fame. He often explores the idea of the American Dream and its potential pitfalls, as well as its accomplishments. In novels such as The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores the wealth disparity between the old WASP elites and the new, self-made Gatsby. In Tender Is the Night, Fitzgerald investigates the idea of fame and its impact on his characters’ lives, along with the themes of obsession, materialism and ultimately, mortality.
The following are five interesting essay topics related to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s works and the themes he explores:
1. Freedom and Identity in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Work: How does Fitzgerald’s exploration of the concept of freedom in America in his novels reflect an understanding of individual identity?
2. The Character of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby: How does Fitzgerald portray Gatsby and his quest for the American Dream?
3. The Impact of Money on Human Relationships in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Novels: How does wealth influence the dynamics between characters in Fitzgerald’s novels?
4. The Great Gatsby and the Jazz Age: What is the relationship between the Jazz Age and Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby?
5. Narrative Style in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Novels: What role does Fitzgerald’s narrative style play in his novels and how does it affect his characters’ experiences?