Johns model of reflexion Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Lamb as an Essayist

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1952 words
7 pages

Johns Model of Reflection is a popular model of structured reflection that is used with both educators and students to foster deeper learning and self-reflection Developed by British nurse educator, Christopher Johns, it consists of five key steps: Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis and Conclusion. Following the five steps of the Johns Model of Reflection helps to give a comprehensive analysis of a situation and enables the learner to identify learning that takes place as well as potential areas of development. 1. Making a Difficult Decision – Making a difficult decision can be one of the most difficult things to do in life. Using the Johns Model of Reflection, one can break down the decision and analyse each step. Begin by describing the situation, considering how the situation made you feel and then evaluate the options in terms of the pros and cons. After that, analyse the situation further by considering any external influences, moral or ethical considerations, or personal values at stake. Finally, come to your conclusion or resolution and consider how this experience might be useful in future decisions. 2. Job Interview – Preparing for a job interview can be challenging and stressful. The Johns Model of Reflection can help break down this experience into manageable parts. Begin by describing the process from start to finish, how you felt in the lead up to the interview and then during the interview itself. Next, evaluate the overall process by considering what you did well and the areas you might improve. Then analyse the situation further by considering which of your strengths you showcased and what steps you could take to improve your performance. Finally, reach a conclusion or resolution, reflecting on the lessons learnt and how they could be applied in a similar situation in the future. 3. Understanding Others – As part of our learning, it is important to foster an understanding of others. The Johns Model of Reflection can be used to deepen our understanding of cultural, social and ethical differences when engaging with others. Begin by describing the situation, how you felt and then evaluate the interactions in terms of engagement, mutual understanding and respect. Then analyse the situation further by considering any external influences, moral or ethical considerations, or personal values at stake. Finally, come to your conclusion or resolution and consider how you might use this experience in future interactions. 4. Working with a Team – Working with a team can be both rewarding and challenging. The Johns Model of Reflection can be used to help improve team performance. Begin by describing the team dynamics, how you felt about the process and then evaluate the way the team worked together. Next, analyse the situation further by considering which of your strengths you demonstrated, what areas could be improved and potential strategies to boost team performance. Finally, come to your conclusion or resolution and consider how this experience might be useful in future team projects. 5. Conflict Resolution – Resolving conflicts can be a difficult process and the Johns Model of Reflection can help navigate this situation. Begin by describing the situation, how all parties involved felt, and then evaluate the potential solutions in terms of fairness, urgency and possible outcomes. After that, analyse the situation further by considering any external influences, moral or ethical considerations, or personal values at stake. Finally, come to your conclusion or resolution and consider how this experience might be useful in similar situations in the future.