King Lear is a classic Shakespearean tragedy that follows the story of King Lear, the aging ruler of Britain, as he divides his kingdom among his three daughters With the desire to show his love, King Lear entertains his daughters’ exaggerated claims of affection and gives them portions of his kingdom, setting in motion a series of events that leads to tragedy and despair. Through this story of betrayal and family discord, Shakespeare conveys the consequences of self-deception, pride, and vanity.
1. The Cost of Pride: This essay topic examines King Lear’s initial refusal to accept advice and his subsequent realization that pride comes before a fall.
2. Daughters’ Duties: This essay review the complex relationship between the daughters and their father, and the responsibilities daughters have to their father.
3. Family Dynamics: This essay topic looks at the family power structure, the role of the patriarch, and how psychological dynamics can lead to disaster.
4. Blinded By Love: This essay topic looks at King Lear’s inability to recognize love despite his declarations of it and how that affects his decisions.
5. Loyalty and Betrayal: This essay topic examines the loyalty of various characters, how that loyalty is tested, and the consequences of betrayal.