Lady Oracle is a 1976 postmodern novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood The novel follows the life of a young woman, Joan Foster, and her experiences of growing up in an artless, suburban small-town in Ontario in the 1960s. Joan is a complex and layered character that struggles with her identity, her place in the world, and a deep-seated fear of death and society. In her search for something more exciting and meaningful, she embarks on a series of dangerous exploits that lead her to the brink of disaster. Joan's adventures take her around Europe and lead her inevitably back to her home in Canada, where she must face the consequences of her choices and her past.
Lady Oracle is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores many themes, including identity, alienation, fear, and love. Below are five excellent essay topics related to the novel:
1. Discuss the theme of identity in Lady Oracle and how Joan's search for self-discovery is both liberating and destructive.
2. Analyze the role that fear plays in Joan's life and how it affects her choices and actions.
3. Examine the important role that family plays in Joan's life and how it both holds her back and propels her forward.
4. Analyze the structure and narrative style of Lady Oracle and explain how Atwood uses them to tell Joan's story.
5. Compare Joan's journey in Lady Oracle to other anti-heroic protagonists in postmodern literature.