Newsworthy Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

1978 & newsworthy

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515 words
1 pages

Is It Newsworthy

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499 words
1 pages

The Various Characteristics That Makes the January 2013 MSNBC (Lange Para) Article to Be Newsworthy

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1068 words
3 pages

Constitutional Development

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2458 words
8 pages

Panel Discussion on K+12 in Phil

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946 words
3 pages

Conceptions of crime

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1958 words
7 pages

News: Reflection or Construction of Reality?

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1506 words
5 pages

How nature of crime presented by the media

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1460 words
5 pages

How to write a rationale?

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4492 words
16 pages

A Research on the Career of Photography

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1249 words
2 pages

A Comparison on Fox News' Coverage and ABC's Coverage of the Bombings in Pakistan

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1747 words
6 pages

The Media Should Not Play Favorites on What News It Should Cover

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2280 words
10 pages

Missing White Woman Syndrome

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2009 words
7 pages

Weibo And Chinese Society

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2721 words
9 pages

Analyse the different ways in which

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561 words
2 pages

Types of Fallacies

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3986 words
14 pages

The news is a ‘window on the world’

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958 words
3 pages

Nick Djokovic

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1807 words
6 pages

Foreclosing On the Fourth Estate

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1612 words
5 pages

Media: a Fictional Reality

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1566 words
5 pages

of interesting essay topics Newsworthy interesting essay topics are those that could produce an interesting and informative paper with enough facts and research to be informative for readers It is ideal for both classroom assignments and freewriting When choosing topics to write about, the writer should consider what may be of interest to their reader. Think broadly and consider current and popular topics that are making news and are related to the topic they are writing about. Here are five newsworthy interesting essay topics ideas: 1. Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns: In the past decade, social media has revolutionized how political campaigns are conducted and has had a huge impact on the outcome of elections across the world. From fundraising to the targeting of specific demographics, a research paper on this subject could explore the positive and negative changes social media has brought to the political arena. 2. Future of Artificial Intelligence: With the advancement of artificially intelligent machines, humans are now asking the question of whether this technology will have a positive or negative effect on the human race. This essay topic could explore the implications of machines with the potential of self-improvement and autonomous decision making. 3. Use of Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology has been around for a few years but is rapidly gaining traction. Its use in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, has put the technology in the spotlight. This essay can explore the possibilities of blockchain technology and its implications for the future of business and finance. 4. Impact of Climate Change: With more and more evidence of the effects of global warming, this essay topic can provide an interesting exploration into the current climate change debate. From the Arctic ice melting to the effects of floods on coastal towns, this essay could provide a comprehensive assessment of the current situation and predictions of the future. 5. Online Privacy Rights: With so much of our lives now being conducted online, the issue of online privacy has become a major concern. This topic could explore the current laws in the U.S of protecting online data and discuss the ethical implications of such laws. These five topics provide interesting essay topics that could lead to captivating papers. In each of these topics, there are various angles that could be discussed and explored. An essay on any of these topics would be newsworthy and interesting for readers.