President thesis Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Diversionary Use of Force by American Presidents

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2534 words
9 pages

William Golding’s thesis of evil

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3844 words
13 pages

Nineteenth Century as an Era of Tremendous Growth and Change Lead by One of the Greatest President Thomas Jefferson

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1219 words
2 pages

Significance Of The Study

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4710 words
17 pages

The successes and failures of Andrew Jackson’s presidency

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2251 words
8 pages

Thesis Statement and Informal Outline

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221 words
1 pages

An Outline on the Administration of President Garfield

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513 words
3 pages

Andrew Jackson Testing the Limits of Presidency

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562 words
2 pages

Life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as The 35th President of the United States

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1102 words
4 pages

An Introduction to the Life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy the 35th President of the United States

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1102 words
4 pages

The Life Journey of John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Presidency in the U.S.

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1270 words
2 pages

My Favorite Villains: President Snow from the Hunger Games, Loki from Thor, Darth Vader from Star Wars, and Voldemort from Harry Potter

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1339 words
4 pages

A Case Summary of Glenn Taylor, Sage Electronics Company's Vice President for Finance and Controller

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1381 words
2 pages

A Biography of John Fitzgerald Kennedy the 35th President of the United States

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1095 words
4 pages

An Analysis of the Thesis on the Major Accomplishments of Paul Laurence Dunbar, an African-American Poet

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1535 words
2 pages

A Biography of John F. Kennedy a President of the United States

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1099 words
4 pages

Resilience and How It Helps People Overcome Adversity Through The Life of Pi, the Life of Jim Tehee Sr., and the Early Presidency of Ronald Reagan

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2071 words
7 pages

The Consequences of the President’s Budget for the U.S. in the Long Run

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911 words
3 pages

Thesis Solo Parenting

0 0
1760 words
6 pages

Social Study (Thesis paper)

0 0
1988 words
7 pages

Presidential thesis can be defined as an argumentative essay written by college students on topics related to the history, politics, and relevance of a president, past or present, and their contributions to the United States Presidential theses are often written to gain an understanding of how a president has shaped the nation and how their legacy has affected their legacy, impact, and legacy on the United States. The five best examples of President thesis topics include: 1. Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society: Examining the Impact of the Great Society Program 2. Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War: The Impact of the Civil War on the United States 3. Franklin D. Roosevelt: Examining the New Deal and its Impact on the American Economy 4. John F. Kennedy and the Cold War: Exploring the Impact of JFK’s Policies and Strategies on the Cold War 5. George Washington: Analyzing the Impact of George Washington’s Presidency on the United States. In addition to the above topics, there are plenty of other topics for those interested in writing a presidential thesis such as: the presidency of Ronald Reagan; the presidency of Barack Obama; the presidency of George H.W. Bush; the presidency of Jimmy Carter; the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower; and the presidency of Richard Nixon. Presidential thesis topics are an excellent way to explore the history of the presidency and its impact on the country. Students of all backgrounds can benefit from exploring these topics and discovering the effects of each president on the nation. Additionally, presidential theses can provide in-depth information on the presidents’ accomplishments and challenges, how they shaped the nation, and the relevance of their legacies today.