Prisoners right to vote scotland Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

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Prisoners right to vote in Scotland is an incredibly pertinent issue that has been discussed and debated in the Scottish government recently It is a legal right provided under the European Convention on Human Rights, however, the UK government has limited the voting rights of convicted prisoners. As a result, Scottish prisoners are unable to take part in elections, as it is still seen as a crime by the British government for prisoners to vote in the elections. Despite this ban, some countries in Europe, such as Belgium, France and the Netherlands, allow prisoners to vote in elections whilst imprisoned. This is done to ensure that the voting rights of all citizens are upheld, regardless of their criminal record. This has led to a debate in Scotland among legal experts in recent years, as to whether prisoners should be granted their voting rights. Five Interesting Essay Topics on Prisoners Right to Vote in Scotland 1. Should prisoners be granted the right to vote in Scottish elections? 2. An Analysis of the Legal Framework of Prisoners Right to Vote in Scotland. 3. How would granting prisoners the right to vote impact the criminal justice system in Scotland? 4. What are the arguments for and against granting prisoners the right to vote in Scotland? 5. How could a prisoner voting system be implemented in Scotland?