Safeguarding individuals is the practice of protecting people from harm or abuse which can be physical, psychological, financial, sexual or spiritual It involves making sure that an individual has the right support, help and resources to protect themselves from exploitation or abuse by others. Safeguarding individuals also involves working with individuals and groups to help them understand their rights and make informed decisions about their lives.
Examples of Roles and Responsibilities in Safeguarding Individuals
1. Reporting suspicious behaviour: All professionals must be vigilant when it comes to safeguarding individuals and must be aware of any signs of potential abuse, exploitation or neglect. They should be trained to know how and when to report any suspicious behaviour to the relevant authorities.
2. Helping the individual to access support: It is important to ensure that people who may be vulnerable or at risk of abuse have access to the right support. This could include making sure they have access to services such as housing, education or health care. It also involves helping to create an environment where the individual is safe, supported and respected.
3. Understanding legislation: Professionals need to understand the legal implications of safeguarding individuals, such as relevant legislation and policies, as well as relevant case law. They should also understand the requirements of data protection and confidentiality.
4. Providing information and advice: Professionals should be able to provide information and advice about the various forms of abuse, as well as safeguarding procedures and resources. They should also be able to provide their own knowledge, experience, and skills to ensure that the individual is given accurate and relevant advice.
5. Collaborating with other organisations: Professionals should also be aware of the need to work collaboratively with other organisations in order to ensure the effective safeguarding of individuals. This could involve collaborating with local authorities, schools, hospitals, police, and other relevant organisations to ensure individuals are provided with the right support.