The Chrysanthemums is a short story written by John Steinbeck and published in 1938 It is set in Salinas Valley, California, and follows Elisa Allen, a middle-aged ranch wife who is struggling to find fulfillment in her life. Elisa lovingly tends her garden of prized chrysanthemums, only to have a stranger passing through steal her flowers. As the story progresses, Elisa’s innermost desires and emotions come to light, and she eventually has a moment of realization about the futility of her yearning for something more.
The Chrysanthemums offers a wealth of interesting essay topics for students. Here are five of the most compelling ideas:
1. Power and Control: The Chrysanthemums examines the ways in which power and control play out in relationships. Analyze how Elisa attempts to exercise control over her husband, the stranger, and her garden.
2. Women's Roles: In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa struggles to reconcile her role as a wife and mother in a male-dominated society. Discuss how this theme is present in the story, and address the ways in which Elisa's own position of power is limited.
3. Nature and Symbolism: John Steinbeck frequently uses nature to represent a character's internal life. Examine the symbolism of the chrysanthemums throughout the story, and discuss how they reflect Elisa's emotions.
4. Unfulfilled Dreams: Elisa longs for something more than her life in Salinas Valley. Discuss how Steinbeck uses the character of Elisa to explore the theme of unfulfilled dreams.
5. Influence of the Stranger: Arguably, the stranger's visit is the impetus for Elisa's transformation. Analyze the role of the stranger and how his presence impacts Elisa's life.