Travel writing memo Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

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Travel Writing Memo Travel writing is a form of writing that documents and shares a person’s experience during their travels These pieces of writing can be in the form of essays, articles, or stories, and often include vivid accounts of a person’s environment, activities, and interaction with the people, flora, and fauna that make up the location. Travel writing can also include tales about a person’s journey to, from, and within the place being written about. For those looking to write a travel essay, there are many potential topics to choose from. From tales of luxury vacations to stories about the struggles of hitchhiking, the options when writing a travel essay are almost limitless. Below are five of the best ideas for writing a travel essay. 1. Exploring a Foreign Land: Tell the story of a journey to a foreign land. Describe the culture, the people, and the landscape of the place visited. Talk about any unique experiences that occurred throughout the journey and how it impacted the traveler. 2. Taking the Road Less Traveled: Describe a journey taken off the beaten path. Discuss any unique people or places encountered and any unexpected experiences that occurred. 3. Luxury Travel: Tell the story of a luxurious vacation. Describe the places visited, the experiences had, and the feelings evoked by the whole experience. 4. Adventure Travels: Describe an adventure-filled journey. Discuss any thrilling activities, such as white water rafting or bungee jumping, as well as any unique encounters with people or animals. 5. Culture Shock Story: Tell the story of a journey to a place with a vastly different culture from one’s own. Describe the shock that was felt as well as any lessons learned by being exposed to the different culture. These are just a few of the many potential topics when writing a travel essay. With a bit of creativity, any journey can be turned into an interesting story.