Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1602 The play is set in Illyria and revolves around the adventures of Viola and Sebastian, two twins who are separated after a shipwreck and believe the other to be dead. Viola disguises herself as a man so she can serve the Duke Orsino, and all sorts of entertaining misunderstandings ensue. Festivities, revelry, mistaken identities, and madcap deceptions are all part of the fun in this timeless work of art.
The following are five interesting essay topic ideas related to Twelfth Night:
1. Examine the intricate comedy of mistaken identities and the various devices used by Shakespeare to create them.
2. Analyze the themes of illusion and self-delusion that appear in the play.
3. Evaluate the role of gender in the play and how it contributes to the humorous plot.
4. Discuss the use of disguise as a device for exploring and manipulating relationships between characters.
5. Analyze the development of Viola’s character and how she navigates her identity crisis in the play.