War and violence in africa Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

The Effects of War and Conflict in East Africa

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1799 words
6 pages

An Analysis of the Concept of Cold War and the Rule of the Russian Military in Germany

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3023 words
4 pages

Impact of Wars on Military Society: The Soldiers and their Families

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2317 words
8 pages

The Conflicts and Fighting in the Congo

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3218 words
4 pages

Sierra Leone and the Blood Diamonds: Civil War and Children

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524 words
2 pages

A Discussion on the Syrian Civil War and the Emigrations of Syrians

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885 words
2 pages

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy

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2097 words
7 pages

Trafficking Of African Women and Girls

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4287 words
15 pages

Trafficking of African Women and Girls

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1353 words
4 pages

Elections in Africa

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1669 words
6 pages

The Cold War

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1975 words
7 pages

Problems and Aspirations of Youth

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3326 words
12 pages

Republic of South Africa

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2529 words
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Current foreign Relations with Africa Compared to Past Administrations

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1018 words
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British decolonisation in Africa

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4062 words
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The apartheid system in South Africa

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1594 words
5 pages

World War Two

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1684 words
6 pages

Is Domestic Violence a Breach of Human Rights?

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5299 words
19 pages

History and Popularity of Diamonds in Africa

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1311 words
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Use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) in Africa

0 0
1158 words
4 pages

Last topics

of war and violence in Africa (also 300-600 words each) War and violence in Africa is an ongoing issue that has been plaguing the continent for centuries From civil wars to insurgencies to tribal conflicts, African nations are constantly in a state of unrest. The effects of these wars and violence are felt both domestically and regionally, and the consequences can be devastating. The first example is the civil war in Liberia. This war, which encompassed a 14-year span beginning in 1989, involved the conflict between the then-ruling military junta, led by Charles Taylor, and various other factions. The conflict, which displaced millions of people, resulted in tens of thousands of casualties and millions of refugees. To make matters worse, the war also resulted in a large-scale humanitarian crisis, as the country’s infrastructure was destroyed. The second example is the Sudanese conflict. This is a conflict that has been raging since the early 1980s, with the Sudanese government fighting a brutal civil war with the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). This war has been especially brutal, with the Sudanese government using chemical weapons against its own people. This conflict has resulted in the displacement of millions of civilians and has led to widespread human rights abuses. The third example is the Somali conflict. This conflict began in 1991, when the central government of Siad Barre collapsed. This resulted in the formation of a number of armed groups fighting for control of the country. The war has resulted in widespread destruction, with millions of Somalis being displaced from their homes. The country is also dealing with a humanitarian crisis, as the levels of poverty and disease are extremely high. The fourth example is the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This conflict began in 1998, and involves a number of different factions vying for control of the country. The conflict has been especially destructive and has resulted in millions of casualties and refugees. The country is also facing a humanitarian crisis and the situation is not likely to improve anytime soon. The fifth and final example is the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR). This war began in 2013, and involves a number of different armed groups vying for control of the country. This conflict has resulted in massive destruction, with millions of civilians being displaced from their homes. The humanitarian crisis is also very severe, with high levels of disease and poverty rampant throughout the country. In conclusion, war and violence in Africa are a serious and ongoing problem. This violence has resulted in massive destruction and displacement of millions of civilians. In addition, the humanitarian crises caused by these conflicts are extremely severe, and require continued attention and action to be resolved.