Why usc Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

My Story of Why I Want to Transfer

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Why College Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid

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Permissions issues, some material

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Sal Malaki Concert Reaction Paper

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Summer Heights High Paper

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Mendelian Genetics, Scientific Paper

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Should Athletes Be Allowed to Leave College Early for Sports

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1576 words
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Breach of Employment Contract

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An Irregular Warfare Strategy for Somalia

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Argumentatice Essay Gender Roles

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Internal control over financial reporting

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Introduction and its Background

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College football vs Nfl

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College Football vs Nfl

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Globalization: Toms a Commodity Fetish

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Social Media Impact

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Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies

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Should college athletes be paid

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Tenure: A Student Stalemate

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Supreme court of the United States

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1902 words
6 pages

USC Interesting Essay Topic Ideas Writing an essay for college admissions can be a daunting task The admissions officers have to read through hundreds of applications and essays and make a decision on who they think will make the best candidate for their school. This can make it difficult to come up with an interesting essay topic. Thankfully, the University of Southern California (USC) offers some interesting topic ideas for applicants to consider. USC is a large and diverse university, so they are likely to be interested in hearing a variety of perspectives on a variety of topics. Potential authors should look for topics that provide insight into their background, character, or personal experiences. It helps to draw a connection between the topic and the university’s mission or culture. Here are some of the most interesting essay topics USC has suggested for applicants: 1. Describe a time when you overcame a difficult obstacle. 2. Explain why you are passionate about a certain cause. 3. Describe a moment in your life that has shaped your values and beliefs. 4. Discuss a cultural issue that you are familiar with and how it has affected you. 5. How have you taken advantage of opportunities in your life? Of course, there are countless other essay topics applicants could choose from. However, these five topics offer a great starting point for applicants interested in showcasing their unique experiences and perspectives. The best way to tackle these topics is to find an interesting story or anecdote to use as an example. For example, when discussing a time when an applicant overcame an obstacle, they could talk about the time they overcame their fear of public speaking. They could explain what they did to confront the challenge and how they felt when they achieved success. Similarly, when discussing a cause they are passionate about, they could use an example of a project they have worked on related to this cause. Similarly, when discussing a moment in their life that has shaped their values, the applicant could provide an example of a moment when their values or beliefs were challenged or changed. It could be a difficult or life-changing experience, such as being exposed to a new culture or living in a new place. Whatever experience they choose, they should make sure they are able to draw connections between it and how it has shaped their values and beliefs. When discussing a cultural issue, applicants should think of a specific topic they are knowledgeable about. They could explore how this issue has affected them on a personal or community level and discuss potential solutions or ways to move forward. Similarly, when discussing how they have taken advantage of opportunities in their life, the applicant could discuss a particular opportunity they have taken advantage of and how it has shaped their life or career. These five USC interesting essay topic ideas provide a great starting point for applicants. With a little creativity and some careful thought, each applicant can craft an essay that showcases their unique perspective and character in a way that stands out from the rest.