Architecture and urbanism analysis is the study of the different elements of a building or city, such as its urban layout, construction materials, and design concepts This type of analysis takes into consideration the way in which a place is designed and how it affects the lives of its inhabitants. It can be used to uncover how the physical environment can lead to stress, conflicts, and other potential problems. Moreover, architecture and urbanism analysis can be used to identify the best possible solutions to these issues in order to create a more livable, sustainable, and enjoyable environment.
Project examples include:
1. The Detroit Future City Project: This project aimed to create a sustainable urban landscape for Detroit by focusing on development that is environmentally friendly, as well as focusing on economic growth, social equity, and public health. Through this project, the Detroit Future City team used an in-depth architecture and urbanism analysis to identify the most effective strategies to improve the city, such as redeveloping aging neighborhoods, improving public transportation, and investing in green infrastructure.
2. The Plan for Paris: In 2017, the City of Paris launched a plan to make the city more accessible and livable. This was done through an architecture and urbanism analysis that highlighted the city’s strengths and weaknesses. The plan identified areas of improvement, such as creating more pedestrian-friendly streets and making public spaces more accessible. It also proposed the creation of green spaces, increased public transportation, and other improvements to the built environment.
3. The Jane Jacobs Award: The Jane Jacobs Award is an architecture and urbanism award that honors projects that are designed in a way that makes the best use of the existing environment. It celebrates the innovative use of materials and design, as well as the way the project can benefit the community. The projects must demonstrate urbanism analysis, as well as a commitment to sustainability, economic development, and social equity.
4. The Living Building Challenge: The Living Building Challenge (LBC) is an international design and construction standard that sets strict criteria for the built environment. The LBC requires a thorough architecture and urbanism analysis in order to identify the most sustainable design for a particular building. The criteria for this project include the use of local materials, energy efficiency, waste management, water conservation, and the overall design of the building.
5. The Placemaking Design Guide: The Placemaking Design Guide is an architecture and urbanism guide that was created by the Project for Public Spaces. This guide provides detailed information on how to create great public spaces by using an architecture and urbanism analysis. The guide covers topics such as the importance of public spaces, how to create livable streets, and how to use materials and design to create a sense of place.