China thesis Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Comparing China with the West: What Hofstede taught us about Cultural Consequences

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1499 words
5 pages

Impact of Free Newspapers in China

0 0
1582 words
5 pages

An Overview of the Great Wall of China in the History of Chinese People

0 0
1413 words
2 pages

Spring Festival Gala

0 0
746 words
2 pages

The Evolution of China and Its Relationship with Russia

0 0
11475 words
35 pages

Thesis of Savory

0 0
12279 words
44 pages

National Service

0 0
2251 words
8 pages

Ancient Rome

0 0
1212 words
4 pages

An Analysis of the Thesis of Michael Wood on Violence in Ancient China

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932 words
3 pages

Restaurant Review

0 0
576 words
2 pages

A History of the Economic Relationship Between China and Africa

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11905 words
38 pages

The Practice of Foot Binding in the Song Dynasty in China, Its Effects on the Female Population, and the Treatment of Women in Modern Day China

0 0
1594 words
7 pages

TESOL Thesis Statement

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771 words
2 pages

The Rise of People's Republic of China and the Growing Concern for the United States Economic and Military Power

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1636 words
6 pages

Thesis in tea bags

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1059 words
3 pages

A Comparison Between the Socio-Political Structure of Russia and China

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4483 words
16 pages

The Global Model of Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth in China

0 0
2951 words
11 pages

An Analysis of the Criminal Law in People's Republic of China

0 0
5053 words
7 pages

Politeness and Culture

0 0
3016 words
10 pages

Thesis effectiveness of cctv

0 0
8506 words
30 pages

to support the thesis A thesis is a statement or argument that is presented in an academic paper or essay It is often used to articulate the central idea or purpose of the paper, as well as to provide a clear outline of the points that will be discussed within the essay. In regards to China, there are many interesting topics that could be used to form a thesis. Here, the five best examples to support a Chinese thesis statement are explored. The first topic to consider is the impact and influence of Confucianism on Chinese culture. Confucianism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that was founded by the Chinese teacher and scholar, Confucius. It has had a profound impact on various aspects of Chinese social, political, and spiritual life and remains an integral part of Chinese civilization today. A thesis statement that could be used to explore this topic could be “Confucianism has had a significant and lasting impact on Chinese society and culture.” Supporting evidence for this statement could include the fact that Confucianism is the basis for the traditional Chinese filial piety system, the importance of education in Chinese culture, and the various political and social philosophies that grew out of Confucianism. The second topic to consider is the role of the Chinese Communist Party in modern China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been in power since 1949 and is the sole governing party in China. An interesting thesis statement based on this topic could be “The Chinese Communist Party has significant and far-reaching influence over modern Chinese society.” Examples of evidence to support this thesis could include the broad range of policies implemented by the CCP, the economic policies that have allowed for rapid economic development, and the CCP’s efforts to control the media and access to information. The third topic to consider is the rise of China as a global superpower. Over the past several decades, China has seen tremendous economic growth and development, and has become one of the leading global economic powers. A thesis statement that could be used to explore this topic could be “China’s rise to global superpower status has been fueled by governmental reforms and policies.” Supporting evidence could include increased foreign investment and trade, increased engagement in global trade negotiations, and the development of new infrastructure such as high-speed rail systems. The fourth topic to consider is the impact and influence of Chinese culture abroad. Chinese culture has had a profound influence on many other cultures and countries, and its impact can be seen in art, literature, film, cuisine, and many other aspects of life. A thesis statement for this topic could be “Chinese culture has had a lasting and far-reaching impact on cultures and societies around the world.” Evidence to support this thesis statement could include the popularity of Chinese-inspired cuisine, the global reach of Chinese films, and the proliferation of Chinese-inspired art and design. The fifth topic to consider is the emergence of Chinese businesses as global players in the international economy. Over the past several decades, Chinese companies have become increasingly competitive in the global economy, and many of them are now major players in their respective industries. A thesis statement that could be used to explore this topic could be “Chinese businesses have become major forces in the global economy.” Supporting evidence could include the increasing number of Chinese companies listed on international stock exchanges, the growth of Chinese multinational companies, and the fact that many Chinese businesses have become successful within a relatively short amount of time. These five topics are just a few examples that could be used to create a thesis statement related to China. There are many other interesting topics related to Chinese culture and society that could be used to develop a thesis as well. However, these five topics provide a good starting point and can be used to create a well-researched and well-supported thesis statement.