Cognitive psychology presentation Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Cognitive psychology

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3134 words
11 pages

Cognitive Psychology

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1000 words
3 pages

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

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1825 words
6 pages

Cognitive Psychology False Memory

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2236 words
8 pages

Cognitive Psychology Definition Paper

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1376 words
5 pages

An Experiment on the Cognitive Process of Memory

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949 words
6 pages

A Review of the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance in Psychology

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1005 words
2 pages

A Presentation of the Belief About Persons with Cognitive Disabilities

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792 words
3 pages

An Analysis of Cognitive Dissonance

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1693 words
4 pages

The Factors That Contribute to the Cognitive Decline in the Elderly

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1823 words
7 pages

An Exploration of Memory Through the Use of Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory, and Bandura's Social-Cognitive Theory

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927 words
3 pages

A Study of Theory Extension: Cognitive Dissonance

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2795 words
9 pages

How Individuals Develop Their Own Moral Codes as Exaplained Through Cognitive-Developmental Theory

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6856 words
17 pages

The Impact of Theories, Systems and Paradigms in Psychology

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1234 words
3 pages

The Effective Principles for Adult Learning about the Psychology of Change

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2729 words
12 pages

An Introduction to the Topic of Memory and the Definitions of Positive and Negative Memories in Psychology

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1569 words
2 pages

What Are the Main Perspectives in the Study of Psychology

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2623 words
9 pages

Critically evaluate piaget’s theory of cognitive development

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2364 words
8 pages

Journal Article Critique of ‘an Empirical Analysis of Trends in Psychology’

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883 words
3 pages

Socio-Psychological Study of Personality

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2552 words
9 pages

Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that involves the study of mental processes, such as memory, problem solving, and decision making It also aims to uncover the mechanisms behind behaviors and mental activities, as well as to understand why people think, learn, and remember differently. It involves researching topics such as the workings of the brain, the effects of the environment, the role of genetics, and the relationships between thought and emotion. Presentations on cognitive psychology can focus on any of these areas and more. For example, a presentation might focus on how to improve memory, the effects of stress on decision making, or how problem solving works. Below are five examples of cognitive psychology presentation topics. 1. Age and Memory: This topic would explore the effects of age on memory, including the physical and mental changes that occur in different age groups. It might also examine how these changes affect memory and the use of memory techniques in order to combat the effects of aging. 2. The Effects of Technology on Memory: This presentation would discuss the impact of technology on memory, including the pros and cons of digital devices and online platforms, as well as the effects of multitasking and information overload. 3. Cognitive Load and Problem Solving: This presentation would examine the concept of cognitive load, which is the amount of mental effort needed to effectively process and store information. It might also explore how cognitive load can affect problem solving. 4. Decision Making and Stress: This presentation would explore the role of stress in decision making, and examine how stress affects the quality of decisions. It might also highlight strategies for reducing the effects of stress on decision making processes. 5. Attention and Memory: This presentation would discuss the relationship between attention and memory, and how factors such as distraction and time pressure can affect memory retrieval. It might also discuss strategies for increasing one's attention span.