Pride and glory report is a type of essay writing in which the student reflects on their own achievements and experiences from a particular point of view It is a way for students to document their success and maintain a connection to their school or organization. It is important for students to be able to be proud of their accomplishments, to be able to look back and appreciate how far they have come. The idea here is that the student will use this report to share their own accomplishments, and to inspire others to strive for greatness as well.
1. How I Overcame a Challenging Course and Succeeded: This topic focuses on the specific challenges one might have faced while in school and how they overcame them. This could be a great way to address both triumphs and failures, and how they were ultimately resolved.
2. My Best Experience in Extra-Curricular Activities: This could be a great way to document the joys of being a part of a team, the pleasure of participating in an activity, or the challenge of organizing an event.
3. My Contribution to Making a Difference: Here, the student can reflect on how their actions have directly made a difference in the community.
4. My Academic and Personal Growth: This topic can focus on how the student has transformed throughout their studies, and how they have developed academically and personally in the process.
5. What I Learned from a Favorite Class: This report could focus on how a student has grown from a certain class, and the different kinds of knowledge they have gained from it.