Messages thesis Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

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you can think of (each explained in a paragraph or two) A message thesis is an essay approach that focuses on one or more main messages or ‘theses’, which are used to explain the essay’s purpose and the takeaway for the reader It is generally used when the purpose of the essay is to persuade the reader, as it presents one or more arguments that are then explained in more detail A message thesis lends itself to a logical flow throughout the essay, which allows the writer to effectively argue their point(s). Example 1: Increase in Climate Changes This message thesis focuses on the fact that human activities are increasing climate changes, and that it is our responsibility to take action. The essay explores the evidence that points to this conclusion, from the rate of carbon dioxide emission to the melting ice in polar regions. It also outlines the effects of these changes and presents proposed solutions, such as reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy sources. The takeaway for the reader is that we are responsible for the climate changes and it is our duty to take the necessary steps to address the problem. Example 2: Mental Health Awareness This message thesis encourages awareness and understanding of mental health, to help eliminate the stigma that still exists. The essay explores the various aspects of mental health, including the different forms it can take and the impact it can have on our lives. It also outlines the resources available for support and encourages people to be open and honest about their mental health. The takeaway for the reader is to be more aware of mental health and to support those around them who may be struggling. Example 3: Gun Control This message thesis argues for the introduction of stricter gun control laws. The essay looks at the reasons why gun control is important, such as reducing gun violence and ensuring public safety. It also looks at the potential solutions, such as requiring background checks and banning certain kinds of weapons. The takeaway for the reader is that gun control is necessary to protect our communities and that we need to take steps to implement effective laws. Example 4: Education Reform This message thesis argues for the need to reform the current educational system. The essay looks at the shortcomings of our education system, including the lack of access to quality education and the inequality among the wealthy and the underprivileged. It proposes potential solutions, such as increasing funding for schools and providing better resources for teachers and students. The takeaway for the reader is that education reform is necessary to create a more equitable society and to ensure greater access to quality education. Example 5: Health Care Accessibility This message thesis encourages the improvement of access to health care, especially for those who are underserved. The essay looks at the current state of health care, from the disparities between different states and countries to the rising costs of care. It also explores the potential solutions, such as the implementation of universal health care and increased funding for preventative measures. The takeaway for the reader is that health care should be accessible to all and that we must take steps to ensure equity in access to care.