Messaging thesis Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

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Messaging thesis refers to an essay focused on an argument or point that is centered on delivering a message or idea Messaging thesis essays are usually written to target a particular audience and persuade them to take notice of the author's opinion. Messaging thesis is designed to focus solely on persuasive messaging and leave out personal anecdotes. One interesting topic related to messaging thesis is the idea of ‘fake news’. This can be an interesting topic because it delves into the rise and prevalence of false information, and how this affects the way people make decisions. The essay could look at how false narratives can be used to manipulate opinions, and how this affects how people see the world. Another interesting topic related to messaging thesis is the concept of ‘sensationalism’. This essay could look at how media outlets use stories to grab the attention of the public, often by exaggerating the facts or creating a sensational narrative. It could look at the effects this has on public opinion and how it could be used to influence decisions. A third interesting topic related to messaging thesis is the idea of ‘framing’. This essay could explore the idea of how language and framing words can be used to shape how people perceive an issue. It could examine how the words used in messaging can be used to create an emotional response in the audience and how this affects what people think about a particular topic. A fourth interesting topic related to messaging thesis is the idea of ‘filter bubbles’. This essay could look at how social media algorithms can be used to create echo chambers and how this affects the way people consume news and form their opinions. It could analyse how algorithms can be used to manipulate what information people are exposed to and how this affects the way they view the world. Finally, an interesting topic related to messaging thesis is the idea of ‘propaganda’. This essay could explore how governments and organizations use communication techniques to influence opinion, often by creating a false narrative or by selectively presenting information. It could look at how this affects the way public discourse is constructed and how it can affect decision making.