Religion thesis Interesting Essay Topic Ideas

Reflection Paper for Philosophy of Religion

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1607 words
5 pages

The Archetypal Hero Thesis

0 0
271 words
1 pages

The Acceptance of the Wiccan Religion

0 0
1849 words
6 pages

Evolution and religion

0 0
3257 words
11 pages

The Lack of Potential in Some Religions in Becoming a Global Religion

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874 words
4 pages

Relationship between Science and Religion

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974 words
3 pages

What Is Religion

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868 words
3 pages

The Religion of Paul the Apostle by John Ashton

0 0
3120 words
11 pages

Kant, irrationalism and religion

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3688 words
13 pages

New Religions

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958 words
3 pages

Enlightenment and Religion

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457 words
1 pages

Nietzsche’s Attitude to Religion

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485 words
1 pages

Religion and Homosexuality in the United States

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1871 words
6 pages

An Analysis of the The Source of Morality in Religion

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1043 words
5 pages

A History of the Misunderstood Voodoo Religion

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961 words
3 pages

An Analysis of the Role of Religion in Human History

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685 words
4 pages

An Overview of the William James' Essay The Will to Believe on the Topic of Religion

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2690 words
8 pages

Religions wage peace

0 0
2612 words
9 pages

An Examination of How Buddhists Live Their Religion

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759 words
2 pages

Thesis of Savory

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12279 words
44 pages

A religion thesis is a paper which focuses on a well-defined area of religious study such as religious history, practice, beliefs, or a particular religious text It’s an opportunity for the student to present a well-researched argument based on facts and evidence from the chosen field of study. Religion thesis topics may include topics such as an overview of a particular religion; an exploration of the relationship between religious beliefs and actions; an analysis of how gender, race, or class influences religious beliefs; or a comparison of two different religions. When selecting a topic for a religion thesis, it’s important to choose an area of study that is significant and relevant to today. The five best examples of interesting religion thesis topics are discussed below. 1. The Role of Religion in US Politics: The increasing presence of religion in public discourse and the way religious rhetoric has informed how the US has addressed social, economic, and political issues over the past two decades is a topic worth exploring. This religion thesis could provide an overview of the various ways religion has been used to influence US policy, including the rise of religious conservatism in mainstream politics. 2. Religion and Gender: Exploring the way gender informs religious practices and beliefs is an important topic for any religion thesis. This could include a focus on the ways gender has been used to oppress or liberate, the ways it has informed religious beliefs, and the different ways religious practice varies for men and women. 3. The Cross-Cultural Study of Religion: Examining the ways different religions interact and influence one another is a great topic for a religion thesis. Areas to explore could include a comparison of similar or related beliefs, or a focus on the spread of religious ideas and practices through trade, migration, or colonization. 4. The Role of Religion in Environmentalism: This religion thesis could look at how faith-based perspectives on environmentalism have evolved over time, how religion has informed how humans interact with their environment, and how it can be used to protect our planet. 5. The Spread and Influence of Christianity: Exploring Christianity’s history, and how it has spread and influenced different cultures and societies, is another important topic for a religion thesis. This could include an analysis of the ways it has been used to oppress and liberate, an examination of the different denominations of Christianity, and a look at how Christianity has shaped the world today.